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US Pan Asian American Chamber of Commerce Midwest

USPAACC Mid­west Region­al Chap­ter, locat­ed in Chica­go, sup­ports small busi­ness­es with­in the city and the sur­round­ing sub­urbs through coun­sel­ing and train­ing ser­vices.


USPAACC Midwest empowers Asian American and minority-owned businesses by offering comprehensive counseling and training services. Access to capital is a key area of support, ensuring businesses have the necessary resources to thrive. Moreover, we facilitate connections with local resources, bridging the gap between businesses and essential services within their communities. Our technical assistance provides entrepreneurs with the latest industry knowledge, skills and equipment. Additionally, we assist businesses in obtaining minority certifications, opening doors to new opportunities and partnerships. We are committed to nurturing the growth of Asian American and minority businesses, fostering a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem that leads to lasting success and economic empowerment.

Services Provided

Formalize structures

  • Certify as MBE/WBE (Specialty)

Find financing

  • Apply for a grant
Contact Information
Chakera Wong
3500 S Morgan St
Suite 205
Chicago, IL 60609