Thank you for supporting Chicago entrepreneurs who are looking for help through ChiBizHub. Updating your profile using the form below will help us more precisely match businesses who are looking for your help. ChiBizHub prioritizes business support organizations that provide free help to entrepreneurs.

Business support organizations highlighted on ChiBizHub commit to the following:

  • Respond to entrepreneurs referred to you within one business day.
  • Permit the ChiBizHub administrator to promote your organization to entrepreneurs via the platform.
  • Provide input into how we can continuously improve the entrepreneur experience and the collection of data on the platform.

Instructions for how to update your profile are below. If you have questions, please contact [email protected].

Your quick description will be displayed in the directory listing.

(250 characters remaining)

Your full description will be displayed on your profile page.


Please complete the form according to the number of selections indicated in each category.

Support Specialize Description
Your organization provides this option
Your organization specializes in providing this option
Your organization does not provide this option

Opportunity Populations

Does your organization specialize in serving one or more of the following audiences? Please limit your specialty selection to no more than 3.

Support Specialize Opportunity Populations
Formerly Incarcerated
Native American


Select all the neighborhoods your organization serves. Please limit your specialty selection to no more than 3.

Support Specialize Neighborhood
Albany ParkAlbany Park, Mayfair, North Mayfair, Ravenswood Manor
Archer HeightsArcher Heights
Armour SquareArmour Square, Chinatown, Wentworth Gardens
AshburnAshburn, Ashburn Estates, Beverly View, Crestline, Parkview, Scottsdale, Wrightwood
Auburn GreshamAuburn Gresham, Gresham
AustinAustin, Galewood, The Island
Avalon ParkAvalon Park, Marynook, Stony Island Park
AvondaleAvondale, Jackowo
Back of the Yards
Belmont CraginBrickyard, Cragin, Hanson Park
BeverlyBeverly, West Beverly
Brighton ParkBrighton Park
Calumet HeightsCalumet Heights, Pill Hill
ChathamChatham, West Chesterfield
Chicago LawnChicago Lawn, Lithuanian Plaza, Marquette Park
ClearingChrysler Village, Clearing
DouglasBronzeville, Douglas, Groveland Park, Lake Meadows, Prairie Shores, South Commons
DunningBelmont Heights, Belmont Terrace, Dunning, Irving Woods, Schorsch Village
East Garfield ParkEast Garfield Park, Fifth City
East SideEast Side
EdgewaterAndersonville, Edgewater, Edgewater Glen, Epic, Lakewood/Balmoral
Edison ParkEdison Park
EnglewoodEnglewood, Hamilton Park
Forest GlenEdgebrook, Forest Glen, Middle Edgebrook, Sauganash, Wildwood
Fuller ParkFuller Park
Gage ParkGage Park
Garfield RidgeGarfield Ridge, Le Claire Courts, Sleepy Hollow, Vittum Park
Grand BoulevardGrand Boulevard
Greater Grand CrossingGrand Crossing, Greater Grand Crossing, Park Manor
HermosaBelmont Gardens, Hermosa, Kelvyn Park
Humboldt ParkHumboldt Park
Hyde ParkHyde Park
Irving ParkIrving Park, Kilbourn Park, Old Irving Park, The Villa
Jefferson ParkGladstone Park, Jefferson Park
LakeviewLake View East, North Halsted, West Lakeview, Wrigleyville
Lincoln ParkDePaul, Old Town Triangle, Park West, Lincoln Park, Ranch Triangle, Sheffield Neighbors, Wrightwood Neighbors
Lincoln SquareBowmanville, Budlong Woods, Lincoln Square, Ravenswood, Ravenswood Gardens
Logan SquareLogan Square, Bucktown, Palmer Square
LoopThe Loop, New Eastside, Printer’s Row, South Loop
Lower West SideHeart of Chicago, Lower West Side, Pilsen
McKinley ParkMcKinley Park
Morgan ParkBeverly Woods, Kennedy Park, Morgan Park, West Morgan Park
Mount GreenwoodMount Greenwood, Talley’s Corner
Near North SideCabrini-Green, Dearborn Parkway, The Gold Coast, Goose Island, Magnificent Mile, Near North Side, Old Town, River North, River West, State Parkway, Streeterville
Near South SideDearborn Park, Near South Side, Museum Park, Central Station, Prairie Avenue Historic District
Near West SideColumbus Circle, Greektown, Little Italy, Medical Center, Near West Side, Tri-Taylor, Fulton River District, University Village
New CityBack of the Yards, Canaryville, New City
North CenterNorthcenter, Roscoe Village, Saint Ben’s
North LawndaleNorth Lawndale
North ParkHollywood Park, North Park, Pulaski Park
Norwood ParkBig Oaks, Norwood Park, Old Norwood, Oriole Park, Union Ridge
O'HareO’Hare, Schorsch Forest View
Portage ParkPortage Park, Six Corners
PullmanCottage Grove Heights, Pullman
River North
RiverdaleAltgeld Gardens, Eden Green, Golden Gate, Riverdale
Rogers ParkLoyola & Rogers Park
RoselandFernwood, Princeton Park, Roseland
South ChicagoSouth Chicago
South DeeringJeffrey Manor, South Deering
South LawndaleLittle Village, South Lawndale, Marshall Square
South ShoreJackson Park Highlands, South Shore
UptownClarendon Park, Buena Park, New Chinatown, Sheridan Park, Uptown
Washington HeightsBrainerd, Longwood Manor, Washington Heights
Washington ParkWashington Park
West ElsdonWest Elsdon
West EnglewoodWest Englewood
West Garfield ParkWest Garfield Park
West Humboldt Park
West LawnFord City, West Lawn
West Loop
West Loop Gate
West PullmanWest Pullman
West RidgeNortown, Peterson Park, Rosehill, West Ridge, West Rogers Park
West TownEast Village, Noble Square, Ukrainian Village, Smith Park, West Town, Wicker Park


Select the industries your organization serves. Please limit your specialty selection to no more than 3.

Support Specialize Industry
Educational Services
Food Services/Hospitality
Health Care/Social Assistance
Public Administration
Publishing/Content Creation
Real Estate
Urban Farming
Waste Management/Remediation

Services You Offer

This section will match prospective clients with the services you offer. The services indicated will determine what assistance clients are contacting your organization for assistance with.

Please use the list below and indicate ONLY those services that you directly provide, as opposed to services for which you would know where to refer the client. This will save entrepreneurs time and your organizations frustration.

Please select no more than one option for 'Specialize in Service’ in each of the seven sections below. Select as many 'Provide Service' options that apply.

Develop ideas

Provide Service Specialize in Service Service
Establish goals
Define products
Price products
Create business plan
Create forecast

Formalize structures

Provide Service Specialize in Service Service
Register legally
Secure licenses
Buy insurance
Buy or rent space
Certify as MBE/WBE

Find financing

Provide Service Specialize in Service Service
Establish accounts
Manage books
Analyze needs
Apply for a loan
Apply for a grant
Evaluate equity

Hire / retain staff

Provide Service Specialize in Service Service
Write job specs
Draft staff manual
Implement payroll

Increase sales

Provide Service Specialize in Service Service
Update forecast
Improve marketing
Establish online
Develop partners
Update business plan
Join accelerator

Optimize operations

Provide Service Specialize in Service Service
Measure operations
Write handbook
Prep for wholesale

Capture wealth

Provide Service Specialize in Service Service
Update pitch deck
Meet investors
Seek legal counsel
Plan for succession
Sell your business